
Our History

Brief history of the historic building where the hotel is located The history of our hotel has as its founding foundation the construction of Avenida de Mayo. In 1894, Buenos Aires featured this magnificent work that radically transformed the appearance of the great village and marked the starting point of a construction euphoria rarely equaled in its history. A euphoria that resulted not only in the number of works (13 blocks built in just 16 years), but in the change that took place in Buenos Aires architecture from the creation of Avenida de Mayo. Until 1880, Buenos Aires had been a low city, its height except for the domes of the churches, rarely exceeding two floors. The houses had hardly changed their colonial structure, and of them, only the front, now adorned with the Renaissance motifs brought by the Italian masons who were beginning to arrive from Europe, denoted a change in relation to the past. Thus, accustomed to these simple constructions of the 60s and 70s, it is easy to imagine the amazement of the porteños, when, suddenly, they saw imposing buildings of five or six floors rise. It is on this Avenida de Mayo from the beginning of the last century, that the hotel is built between luxury and austerity. Space inhabited by world personalities from various disciplines such as:

  • José Ortega y Gasset, Filósofo Español ~
  • Sarah Bernhardt, Actriz Francesa ~
  • Arturo Toscanini, Director de Orquesta Italiano ~
  • Raquel Meller, Cantante y Actriz Española~
  • Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Filólogo e Historiador Español ~
  • Vatzlav Nijinsky, Bailarín de Ballet y Coreógrafo Ruso ~
  • Le Corbusier, Arquitecto y Urbanista Francés ~
  • La bella Otero, Bailarina Española ~
  • Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Escritor Español ~
  • Margarita Barrientos, Soprano Española ~
  • Teodoro Roosevelt, Presidente de Estados Unidos ~
  • Eleonora Duce, Actriz Italiana ~
  • Enrique Caruso, Tenor Italiano ~
It is our mission to make our guests feel and live the splendor of Buenos Aires as in those unforgettable years, through the magnificence of the hotel's architecture and the warmth of our treatment.